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Horfield CE Primary School

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Vision and Aims 

"Deeply rooted, flourishing together, reaching great heights”.

 The School's vision is underpinned by Psalm 1: 3

"Like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water".


Our school's values

These values flow from our vision and will be the habits and practices we seek to embody in all adults and children at this school:








As a church school, these are Christian values rooted in stories from the Bible.  They are also for all, regardless of faith.

They are values for everyone - children of all faiths and none. 

Aims of the school

  • To inspire and develop pupils to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world; to develop future citizens who are able to cope with change and take a useful, satisfying and personally successful place in society.
  • To work as a whole school community to maintain high standards of behaviour and respect within and outside school.
  • To care for and develop the whole child to lead a healthy lifestyle, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
  • To continue to create a welcoming, caring and safe school community in which all pupils and staff are valued as individuals of equal value.
  • To develop an appreciation of Christian beliefs, practices and values. To respect and be sensitive to other people’s beliefs, faiths and cultures.
  • To provide a rich and stimulating curriculum, creating curiosity with a range of opportunities to empower pupils to achieve excellent standards and become life long learners.
  • To work in partnership between school, parents, governors, church and community to create genuine pride in ourselves and school.
  • To maximize the potential for indoor and outdoor learning environments, and use them creatively in our curriculum.
  • To care for our environment through our curriculum and practices, to teach respect for our world and care for its future and to appreciate the basic independence of all peoples.
  • To encourage an awareness of aesthetic values.


Horfield Primary School is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Our registration reference is Z1487987