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Horfield CE Primary School

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Our School

Welcome to our website.  We are delighted that you want to learn more about Horfield Church of England Primary School.  We hope that we are able to give you a "feel" for the life of our very special school community.

Currently, we have 419 children organised into 14 different classes.  We offer a distinctive Christian ethos with a clear vision for excellence which is shared by all staff.  We have a dedicated and inspirational team of Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Governors who work tirelessly to deliver high quality learning for all of our pupils.  Children excel here and thoroughly enjoy their time in "an inclusive, caring and friendly community, in which everyone feels valued and safe".  SIAS Report.  Children's behaviour and conduct is outstanding demonstrating that they respect and value each other and the adults in our school community.

Pupils' attainment and progress in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and IT and computing is significantly higher than that of pupils nationally.  "Pupils' progress is tracked rigorously and underachievement tackled rapidly so that attainment is improving for all pupils".  Ofsted report, March 2012.

The school has an outstanding reputation as a centre of excellence for the Arts with a clear focus on the academic, pastoral and spiritual development of all pupils.  Our strongly interwoven links with Horfield Parish Church and the local and wider community are greatly valued.  Children benefit hugely from a wealth of vibrant and challenging curriculum experiences and are justifiably proud of their school.

A large number of children learn and play musical instruments and enjoy opportunities to perform with our School orchestra.  80 children sing in our KS2 Choir and 60+ in our KS1 Choir.  We regularly compete, with significant success, in a range of competitive sports events and chess competitions.  Drama experiences ranging from our annual Reception/KS1 Nativity plays to performances with the Schools Shakespeare Company on the Tobacco Factory stage all contribute to developing very 'well-rounded' young people with a range of talents and good levels of self-confidence.

All opportunities to work in partnership with parents are greatly valued so that children are able to get the most out of school.  We have a flourishing School Association who run an impressive variety of social events for parents and children alike and raise money for the school which is used to purchase additional resources.

Children from Reception to Year 6 benefit from opportunities to make decisions about aspects of school life through representation on the School Council and share many creative ideas with us.  It is always very rewarding to see pupils tackle new challenges confidently and develop into successful lifelong learners.

We look forward to providing your child with an excellent and inspiring education and to working in partnership with you so that they can be the very best they can be in all that they do here and in all of their subsequent years of education.



Horfield Primary School is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Our registration reference is Z1487987