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Horfield CE Primary School

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School Uniform               

The school dress code is based on the royal blue sweatshirts provided through the School Association.  An order form showing the full range of items is available below.  

TOP:  Sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan in royal blue with school logo, shirt, blouse, t-shirt, polo shirt in royal blue/white

DRESSES:  Plain royal blue or blue/white stripes/checks

BOTTOMS:  Trousers, shorts, skirts, jogging bottoms, leggings in royal blue, navy, black or grey.  No denim jeans.

FOOTWEAR:  Flat black shoes (with back or heel retaining strap), trainers, daps/plimsolls. Not plastic 'jelly' shoes as these tend to have slippery soles.

HAIRSTYLE:  No excessive hairstyles or hair colours. This includes expensive hair accessories, such as jojo bows, which have the possibility of being damaged in school. 

In the summer children are encouraged to wear hats at playtimes to minimise the damaging effects of the sun. We do not allow skimpy clothing or crop tops even when it is very hot. T-shirts with inappropriate slogans are also strongly discouraged.

Order Online 

PE/Games Kit

On the days when the children have PE or games, they will be expected to wear their PE kit into school. 

Please could all parents ensure that children come to school in correct PE Kit. 

  • T-shirt in their house colour (this could be green, red, blue or yellow - whichever colour they wore for Sports Day)
  • Dark coloured shorts
  • Jogging bottoms or unpatterned leggings.
  • In the winter a plain jumper (a school jumper is also fine) and plain plimpsolls or trainers.

Children are not permitted to wear jewellery during PE/Games for safety reasons, and the school cannot accept responsibility for such items if they are brought to school. Small studs are permitted but you should realise that even these present some risk to children.  Children may only be excused from PE lessons because of temporary illness or injury, in which case a note should be sent to the class teacher explaining the reason and duration of the exclusion. Written medical evidence is required if a child is to be excused on a long-term basis.  The same applies to swimming, which is part of our Curriculum.

Purchasing Branded Uniform

All of the items with the school logo on can be purchased online on the School Association website www.pta-events.co.uk/horfield . Alternatively, an order form can be picked up from the office or downloaded here.  The order form and payment (cash or cheque) should be returned to the School Association post box located at the Red Shed. 

Order by the end of the month for guaranteed delivery to your child’s class by the 15th of the following month. It may be possible to receive uniform sooner - please email horfielduniform@gmail.com to discuss. At peak times we will offer a collection date. This will be at drop off (8.45-9.00am) or pick up (3.00-3.15pm) from the Red Shed. Please email us if you are not able to attend one of the available collection times.


The items underlined above are available to buy in sizes 3-4 up to adult small (approx. age 15-16) 

Other items:

  • Royal blue or navy book bag with school logo
  • Royal blue PE kit bag with school logo
  • Royal blue or navy backpack with school logo

Pre-loved Horfield Primary School Uniform 

We are lucky to have a good selection of pre-loved items for sale. These are available on the School Association website or at our monthly pre-loved uniform sales at the Red Shed. Sales are usually held on the last Friday of the month. Check the School Association Facebook page for details or email horfielduniform@gmail.com

Please consider donating clean, lightly used uniform. We also welcome grey trousers/skirts and white shirts of older siblings. Donations can be left in the Red Shed porch or brought to our monthly pre-loved uniform sales.

Name Labels 

Name labels help to reduce lost property and ensure your child returns home with their own uniform (and not someone else's)! Using the following links or codes helps to raise funds for the School Association.

Stikins Order at www.stikins.co.uk and use the code 10171

My Nametags Order at www.mynametags.com and use the code 21480

Easy2name Order at www.easy2name.com and use the code HORFIELD SCHOOL BS10 

Horfield Primary School is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Our registration reference is Z1487987